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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The excitement of an HG-ers day!

So yesterday I get a croissant sandwich (breakfast sausage, eggs, cheese) that I've been craving for years...ok so really only about a month. I eat 2/3 of it...and make my hubby drop me off at Target so I can puke! BLAH!

Today I ate & puked at one of my all time favorite restaurants! Sad! =( I was thinking...have you seen that Fiber 1 commercial where the hubby says "Fiber makes me sad!" I often feel that way about food in general!

So my most exciting part of today....I bet you are on pins and needles to find out! ;) I ordered myself a 2nd IV pole. This way I can have 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs! YAYAYAY!!! LOL

My nurse comes tomorrow to change my dressing. I see my dr. again in just a bit under 2 weeks.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Feeling down...

So the dreaded HG saga continues on....

I'm loosing hope that I will EVER feel better.

I'm feeling so frustrated, down, depressed, sad, etc.

I just want to be "normal!" I want to eat & enjoy food. I am still puking nearly everything that enters my mouth. UGH! I want to nourish my body & Baby BGC without the use of PICC lines, needles, medicine. I want to enjoy time out watching my kids have fun & celebrating their victories. I want this pregnancy, my very last pregnancy EVER to be pleasant & enjoyable...you know the perfect pregnancy with a cute little belly, lots of little kicks and movements from baby, pleasant dr. appts where you hear the heartbeat & learning more about your baby, etc.

Yeah I realize I'm complaining. I figure I'm allowed to. I've never felt so awful in my entire life. Each day I feel like I got hit by a bus! I feel defeated. The HG wins...I'm waving my white flag! =(

Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's a.......

I had my fun ultrasound today. I told the ultrasound tech that we were really hoping for a girl. She put the probe on my tummy and a few minutes later she said "It looks like you got your wish! It's a GIRL!!!!" I cried when she said that! YAY! We are having a GIRL!!!! =)

I wanted to add in here....we are thrilled to have a healthy little one regardless of the baby's gender. We would have been super excited to have a boy also. The reason we were hoping for a girl to even up the boys/girls in our family. =)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

OB appt & ultrasound

Monday I had an OB appt & an ultrasound! I was sooooo excited thinking that we may be able to see the gender of the baby giving that I am 17 weeks, and Baby BGC is measuring about a week ahead. The baby was so cute...S/he waved at us. It was precious! The baby still measured about a week ahead. Baby BCG weighed about 8 oz. We listened the the heartbeat. Baby BCG's heart was beating at 146 bpm. The tech was not the nicest. =( She wanted NOTHING to do with giving us a quick peek.

After my ultrasound I saw the Dr. I lost 1.5 lbs and my bp was 110/62. Urine was "better" this week. The Dr. came in my room and chatted with me about what was going on. He said to stick with the regimen we are going with now. He seemed very doubtful that I will feel somewhat normal through this pregnancy. =( I will see the Dr. in 4 weeks.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I just wanted to make a quick note of this...as it doesn't happen nearly often enough! It is 2:29 AM, and I am just now headed to bed. Why am I up so late you ask...because I just folded 276...yes two hundred & seventy six pairs of socks!! *whew* I also did 4 or 5 loads of laundry to break up the monotony of folding the socks!

Ok now I am off to bed! We have an early morning, and currently I have at least 2 sick kids. OY!! Oh well, at least the kids will have clean socks to wear to the doctor! ;)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Intelligender Gender Prediction Test

So as you all know we are expecting our 6th baby in July. The baby's nickname is Bubble-Guppy-Cupcake (BCG from here on out!) With the majority (4) of my pregnancies I have found out the gender before birth by ultrasound. We choose to not find out until birth with 1 of our kids. It was an amazing experience to wait until birth. I obviously had a lot more patience then than I do now! Now I can't wait to find out if we will have ribbons & bows or cars & trains.

I had the opportunity to try and review the Intelligender Gender Predictor Test. Here is a little bit of information taken from Intelligender's website.

"IntelliGender's Gender Prediction Test™ is a simple urine analysis similar to the pregnancy test you took a few weeks ago. It uses first morning urine and a proprietary mix of chemicals which reacts with a combination of hormones to indicate the gender of your baby. It can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy (six weeks from the first day of the missed period). It is an easy test to perform and provides quick results in-home so the news can be shared right away.

IntelliGender reminds all pregnant moms that seeing an obstetrician early in the pregnancy is critical for the health of the mother and the baby and should follow the advice of their physician.

You simply collect first morning urine and insert into the test vessel. Swirl rapidly in a circular motion, place the test on a flat white surface undisturbed for minutes."

So my girls & I got up super early on Sunday, January 15 to try out the Intelligender Test. I was 12 weeks & 6 days pregnant at the time.

I opened the box and examined all the contents in the Intelligender box, and we read the directions.

Next I collected my urine in the syringe and put it in the Intelligender test container. I swirled the urine in the test container for 10 seconds, I set a timer for 5 minutes, and I left the room.

When the timer went off my girls and I ran into the bathroom to examine the Intelligender test.

This is what we found upon checking out Intelligener test. It looks like the Thakur Family's new addition may be a new little boy according to Intelligender.

For more info on Intelligender please check out the following websites:



Listed below is info directly from email correspondence with Intelligender.

"We have a great online special as well on our website. The IntelliGender GPT is
$27.99 + Free S/H! If you order 2 or more kits you will receive an additional
30% off. Great deal you can share with your moms!

We also now have a mobile website so moms can stay connected with us on the go!
It's simple to use, and all of our social media outlets are in one place! On
your mobile phone, go to www.intelligender.mobi "

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kamdyn & Diya's Dr. appt today

Both girls were seen by their pediatrician today. Kamdyn weighed 76.6 & Diya weighed 47.6 lbs.

Diya was seen for fluid in her ears & a sinus infection. Kamdyn was seen because she has been complaining that her lungs hurt & it's hard to catch her breath when/after she has been running.

Diya got a RX for antibiotic.

Kamdyn ran in place for about 10 minutes. The nurse did a pulmonary function test on her. She was at 83%. So she will use an inhaler 10 minutes before & after she is physically active.

Their Dr. told me that I look tired (really meaning you look like crap...just in a PC way.) I told her that I have HG, and she told the kids to take care of me and help me out at home.

I'm sure glad tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! YAY! Only 4 more days until my big ultrasound!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Catch up...

I'm way behind. I haven't done the blog dare in over a week. I haven't really done much of anything for the past week. I've been feeling VERY bad!

Deep traveled to Canada on the 26 & 27. He was home for the weekend, and then Monday he left for California until Friday. My parents visited during this time, and let me tell you it was WONDERFUL to have them here. I am so thankful!

Kids are all doing well. Typical kid struggles with them, but nothing we can't handle.

Deep is doing well. Enjoyed his trips. Said Cali was nice. He was super busy while there so he didn't have much down time to enjoy the area.

I on the other hand...haven't been fairing too well. Still on my picc line & IV hydration (w/meds & multivitamin) every day. I've been vomiting more than I had been.

I had an ob appt yesterday. I lost 2.5 lbs (in 2 weeks..which is better than previous weeks of losing 4 lbs in 6 days.) BP was 112/70. We heard BCG's heartbeat with a doppler. Dr. said to keep doing what we are doing. I asked about an ultrasound. Dr said how about next week! YAY! So hopefully BCG will cooperate next Monday, and we can see gender! =) I am excited!

That's all the big news for the time being. I will try to get caught up..soon!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

OY! Update...Feb 1

The BIG news is that I am 15 weeks pregnant! I feel like time is flying by in general...but every day seems to last forever. If that makes any sense...

I am having a really bad day. I thought I felt a bit better for a few days, but today I am right back to AWFUL! I haven't eaten much until a bit ago. I tried cheese & Ritz crackers as my OB nurse instructed me to...it was a NO GO! Badddd news for Mama's belly! I had gained a couple of pounds, but I've lost it all again. The good news is I'm getting skinnier...just not in a healthy way. I'm still getting 3 liters of LR, meds, & vitamins daily. That is the only thing keeping me going! Less than 2 weeks until that "magical 17th week) that my OB keeps talking about. I know Diya's preg wasn't as bad as this one, but with her I was very sick until the day she was born. So I'm nervous to see if I will be a bit luckier this go around. In other BIG NEWS....I go Feb. 18 to a "fun ultrasound" place to find out if our little munchkin is a boy or girl! So far most people say Girl. Any guesses? Either way this baby will have a K (first) J (middle) name. Which brings up a funny story. When I was pregnant with Max I was on an email group for ladies that were TTC (trying to conceive). The girls had given the wee baby the nickname Max...before knowing if he was a he. So all along he was called Baby Max. A friend from the email group tried to come up with a K or D name that had Max in it...you will never guess one of the options thrown out....Klymaxx...isn't that GREAT!! I laugh every time I think of that story!

In other news, Kamdyn had her follow up orthodontist appt today. This ortho is growing on me. I wasn't sure I liked him at first, but today showed me he isn't just out to get my $$$. I have met with other orthos...each of them wanted me to schedule an appt that day to get the braces on. I choose this office because it was referred to us by a friend, and truly their office is REALLY cool...it's the kid in me. ;) We went in 3 weeks ago for her initial appt. They did xrays & photos of her teeth. Today we were supposed to go over a treatment plan & $$$. The ortho completely surprised me and said that he wants to save Kamdyn time & pain and save me money. He wants to wait until she looses 3 more baby teeth and her adult start to grow in before he puts braces on. That way she will only need 1 set (phase) of braces. He said it is our choice if we want wait for her to loose the teeth naturally or if we wanted her dentist to pull them. He was going to send a referral to the dentist just in case we decided to have them pulled. He said take all the time we need...that it isn't a big rush. I am not sure which route we will take. The kids need to go in for a teeth cleaning...so I think I will talk to her dentist about it then. He is very honest with me so I trust his opinion.

Diya is (for the most part) doing well with her new gluten/wheat free diet. She did share with my mom that she hates her life because she isn't able to eat normal anymore. That was a few days ago. I'm really trying to get her some products that she likes that are gluten free. So far we've found some chocolate cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, mac n' cheese (her favorite food ever!), bagels, and cheesy poofs. The cheesy poofs are REALLY good!!! She scarfed them down quickly. Most of these products we have bought at Meijer! They have an AMAZING gluten free selection! She has chicken nuggets, donuts, and a few other products to try. Our other big gluten free stores are Trader Joes & Whole Foods. Meijer & Whole Foods definitely have the better selections.

My parents have been here for almost a week. Deep had to travel to Canada last week, and he is in California this week. I am SOOOOOOOOOO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL that my parents were able to come & help me. I have pretty much stayed in bed the entire time they have been here. It has been such a relief to have daily help. =) Deep will be home Friday.

Last night I was able to take Kamdyn out for a bit. We grabbed dinner & then went to a High School girls basketball game. It was a Catholic High School in Livonia named Ladywood. It's an all girls school. Kamdyn had fun! She got a free tshirt & hot dog, chips & soda. It was nice to spend some quality time with Kamdyn.