Yesterday we got word that the kids report cards were available on Skyward. We checked them with the kids on the phone, and we were so very pleasantly surprised!!!
Kamdyn struggled for a short bit this year, but she completed the year with all As!!! She did very well in the last 9 weeks! =)
Max did well. He is right where he is supposed to be as far as academics, and he is progressing very well on his Speech IEP.
Diya.....I can't even begin to explain how extremely proud we are of Diya....more that she should be very proud of herself!!! The last half of the year has been very hard for Diya. Since my health has taken a turn for the worst our whole family has been in "survival mode" in a sense. We have not had a lot of extra time or energy to do anything extra. Me being sick has truly taken a HUGE toll on our whole family. A few months ago Diya's teacher emailed us to inform us that Diya had not done/or turned in her homework in over a month nor had she been reading any books. Diya has always been a hesitant for her to go without reading for a month was detrimental to her education! (Please no judgements as Deep & I already hold ourselves responsible, and we worked through this issue!) It was highly recommended that Diya go to summer school so she could catch up and avoid the summer slide. We made an appt to talk to Diya's teacher & guidance counselor. We explained our family situation to both. We explained that our family is going through a lot right now, and basically we are living in survival mode. We are fighting to keep Mom (me) alive and going. Both Diya's teacher and guidance counselor understood our situation, and both offered lots of advice & offered to step in and help with Diya. The guidance counselor started meeting with Diya so she could talk to her about her feelings with me being so sick and constantly in and out of the hospital. It is important to remember that for the greater part of our kids lives Deep and I have been on our own. We have never had family close by to help out. Deep & I are our childrens' parents and that is how it is. Since I've been sick we've had people in and out of their lives. It is a big change. When we spoke with Diya's teacher she was very worried that with the advancement changes in the reading curriculum that Diya would test below or approaching grade level for reading, and the other grades would not be good either. So with Diya's teacher, guidance counselors, and the little extra effort that Deep, myself, Kamdyn, Janice, Ketryna, and my parents have put in....I am so INCREDIBLY PROUD to share that Diya tested AT grade level for reading, and her math benchmark was 95%!! She finished the year with a BANG! We are soooooooooooo incredibly proud of her, and she should be soooooooooo incredibly proud of herself!!! Diya will be doing a couple of summer reading/writing programs, and hopefully that will keep her on track for 3rd grade!!
So as of last week....we currently have Kamdyn as a 5th grader, Diya as a 3rd grader, Max as a 1st grader, and Kohen as a 2nd year preschooler! Our kids are amazing, and they should all be as proud of themselves as we are proud of them!
Kiddos, Momma & Daddy love you with all of our heart, and we are so very proud to be your parents!! =)
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